
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Be A Champion!

Train Like a Champion, Become a Champion


Wednesday - after 6pm class, we are having a farewell at Pluckers for Deric. He will be leaving this Friday to take his personal items to Fort Benning, GA. The day after the games, Deric must check in at Fort Benning. In a short period of time, Deric has worked with most everyone at heavy metal night, helping coach at the different challenges and just because he's around quite a bit.

PLUCKERS Profit Share - don't forget that you can help Deric with his fundraiser by eating at Pluckers this week.
1. Let them know you are there to profit share with CrossFit Cedar Park,
2. DON'T use your pluckers card.
3. 20% of your bill will go towards Deric's fundraiser.

OPEN GYM - will be held at 9:30am at the new box.
609 W. Whitestone Blvd in Cedar Park (corner of 1431 and Cherry Lane, across from Good Shepard Lutheran) Call if you are lost 512-336-0992.
Kelli Middleton is scheduled to be your coach.

Med ball Cleans(20)
Pull ups
Wall Ball (20)
Mountain Climbers (42, 30, 18)

For Time

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2519 S. Lakeline Blvd. Suite 100. Cedar Park, Tx 78613