
Friday, May 29, 2009

Picture This

Small Change - Saturday Mornings are now OPEN GYM to anyone and everyone that is a member of Tillman Training. Feel free to drop in at no cost from 9:30am to 10:30am every saturday morning. You will have the option of skills training or doing the WOD assigned.

I know a lot of you are looking for all the shots from the Epic Challenge. They are coming soon we promise! Click here to check out my collect of you guys bustin' your butts in class.

100 V Twist #20
400m Run
100 Back Ext
400m Run
100 Sit Ups
400m Run
100 Back Ext
400m Run

Thursday, May 28, 2009

CrossFit, What a Joke!

5 Rounds
100 meter Lunges

Q: How many CrossFitters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Three. One to do it in record time. One to film it. And one to complain about proper form.

Q: Why did the blonde CrossFitter bring an iron to the WOD?
A: She heard they were going to be pressing.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Wendy’s who?
Wendy’s muscles stop hurting, I’m going to kick your a** for making me do this crazy s***.

Q: Why did the CrossFit affiliate fire the new trainer?
A: He didn’t know squat.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Turnip who?
Turnip the music, I can still hear the newbies screaming.

Q: Thruster?
A: Are you crazy? I barely know her!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad we’re not doing “Fran” today?

Q: What do you get when you cross a goat and a CrossFitter?
A: An athlete who’s b-a-a-a-a-d to the bone.

Q: Why do all CrossFit gyms have chalk?
A: You can use it to mark where the bodies fell.

Q: What’s the difference between the average bodybuilder and the average CrossFitter?
A: 4 years of college.

Q: We hear a lot about energy conservation: how is CrossFit “going green?”
A: They’re using “puke-ular” energy!

Q: What do you call a CrossFitter snatching 200 lbs?
A: Anything he damn well pleases.

Q: What’s the difference between the average woman and a CrossFitting woman?
A: The average woman looks better with her clothes on.

Q: Why did the blonde CrossFitter bring a bottle of Windex to the WOD?
A: She heard they were going to be cleaning.

Q: What did one blonde say to the other during the WOD?
A: You know, I’ve been watching that box for almost an hour and it hasn’t jumped yet.

And, finally, the shortest CrossFit joke in the world: A CrossFitter walks into a bar

(Text by Lisbeth Darsh/CrossFit Watertown in Connecticut.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

While the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play

Dave and Robin took the kids to the beach. Guess what that means for the classes? Lots of heavy squats, miles of lunges and pull ups until Rabdo is knocking down the front door. I'm only kidding. You can all rest assure the classes will be handled in true CrossFit fashion, pain for time.
21 DB Thrusters/1 Pull Up
18 DB Thrusters/3 Pull Ups
15 DB Thrusters/6 Pull Ups
12 DB Thrusters/9 Pull Ups
9 DB Thrusters/12 Pull Ups
6 DB Thrusters/15 Pull Ups
3 DB Thrusters/18 Pull Ups
1 DB Thrusters/21 Pull Ups

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some Denial Mile Pictures.

Thanks to everyone for coming out for our Free Memorial Day WOD.

"The Denial Mile" was tons of fun. Great job and Thanks to all who have served in our country''s military.

Check out a few pictures.


50 Overhead Squats (45, 65)
50 Pull ups
50 Air Squats

for time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Free workouts!

Don't forget Free Community Workout at Milburn Park tomorrow at 9:30am
Bring a Friend.

Monday we will have ONE class open to all (Free) at 10:00 am here at our box.
So bring a friend to that one too.



3 rounds for time

  • 40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
  • 21 L Pull-ups
  • 40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
  • 21 L Pull-ups
The snatches are full squat snatches.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tabata Squats and "Grace"

When she is not busy training for the games, Nikki has fun competing at the muddy buddy with Scott. It is all about competition.


Tabata Squats
8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest. Score your reps.

Rest, then do


30 Clean and Jerks for time. (guys 135, gals 95)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brittany uses the Big Box.

Brittany does the wod with a 24inch box from David Tillman on Vimeo.

30:20 x 8 rounds, 30 seconds on 20 seconds off, all out effort!




Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Handstand push ups

Check out this great video from the guys at againfaster

Handstand Pushups from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.


30 Kb swings (1 pood)
9 burpee pull ups
6 tire flips
9 burpee pull ups
30 Kb swings

for time

Monday, May 18, 2009

Epic Final

An EPIC day.

The Epic Challenge finals proved to surpass the ordinary! Nearly everyone improved their time. The heavens opened up and poured down on us. In true CrossFit fashion no one flinched. Each and every competitor showed amazing heart and desire. Thanks to all of you for making this an Epic event. We have great photos and video coming, so keep your eye out.

Congratulations to the following competitors

1st place - Keisha Tillman
2nd place - Kelley Hulsey
3rd place - tie between Brittany Nichols and Julie Chreste

1st place - Jana Neumann
2nd place - Kimberly Kurachi
3rd place - Jodie Goldberg

1st place - Matt Fiorillo
2nd place - Garrett Hutchington
3rd place - Carson Thomas

Overall Fastest with a time of 4'20"
Michael Fiorillo

congratulations everyone!


4 rounds for time of

100 ft. of lunges.
30 box jumps
20 pull ups

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last WOD

Watch Nikki's Last Workout from the Qualifiers.

Epic Finals are tomorrow at 9am. BBQ will follow. Come cheer on our competitors.


found on Crossfit San Diego's blog

6 rounds of:
30 seconds your choice of: Single Unders, Double-Unders, or Burpees
30 second handstand hold (against the wall)
30 seconds your choice of: Squats or Deck Squats
30 seconds rest (use this time for rep tracking purposes)

Before each round you must choose which exercise you will perform for
that round, only succesful attempts of THAT exercise will count. e.g.
If you choose double-unders do not count single-unders as points,
like-wise you cannot do 15 secs of Burpees and then 15 secs of
single-unders, etc. With each round you may "Choose Your Adventure" and
select a different exercise for that round.

Your SCORE is the total number of points for all 6 rounds.
Single Unders and Squats are 1 pt each
Double Unders are 2 pts each
Deck Squats are 3 pts each
Burpees are 5 pts each

Deduct -10 pts for each time you break (come down) out of your handstand

You may scale the handstand hold as necessary i.e. 25 secs, 15 secs,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Qualifier Pictures

Check out some pictures of the competitors from CrossFit Cedar Park. Thanks guys. You all performed well.

CrossFit Games Southwest Regional Qualifier Pictures from David Tillman on Vimeo.


Ben hits the standard CrossFit recovery position.

EPIC Challenge Finals and BBQ this Saturday. Make plans to join us for a killer workout and some fun too.


AMRAP in 20 minutes

15 oh squats (65, 95)
10 knees to elbows
5 hspu (hand stand push ups)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Running Cindy"

Mel getting her pullups in.

"Running Cindy"
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
400m run

AMRAP in 20 minutes

Monday, May 11, 2009

Epic Challenge Final's

Kelley goes for it!

Our Epic Challenge Finals will be this Saturday. We will have a bbq after so bring your friends and family to cheer you on.


5 rounds for time

15 Push press (65, 95)
15 Push ups
400 m run

Friday, May 8, 2009


Recently my good friend Trevor decided to eat paleo. Here is a an actual conversation that took place between him and his wife.

- 9:38 p.m.
Trevor: "Di, I'm going to be pretty strict about this paleo-diet"
Di: "Ok, what is a 'paleo-diet'?"
Trevor: "You basically eat like a caveman. Meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, natural oils and spices. No dairy, no grain and nothing 'processed'"
Di: (snickering) "Okay, if you say so... What do I do about making you lunch?
Trevor: "Leftovers will probably usually be alright, but if not, just a can of tuna, some veggies and fruit -- you know, just stuff I could kill and eat. And no grains or dairy."
Di: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, okay."
(4 or 5 minutes later)
Di: "Do you want to watch 'Desparate Housewives' with me? I DVR'd it"
Trevor: "Sure".
(short pause)
Di: "I'm going to get some oreos and milk -- do you want me to fix you some too?"
Trevor: "No thank you, Diane..."
- 7:07 a.m.
(Trevor walks into kitchen. Di has fridge open and stuff on the counter to make lunches for us.)
Di: "We really don't have anything in the house to feed you for lunch today on that caveman diet."
Trevor: "I know."

It may be tough at first, but you will definitely feel better, perform better, and significantly improve your health. Keep at it. For more on Paleo, go HERE



DB Cleans (20-50)
Single arm overhead lunge
Pull ups
Wall ball (20,16)
mountain climbers (42-30-18)

for time

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Start 'em young

It's never too early to start CrossFit!

Check out our summer programs.


30 squats
30 burpees
10 deadlifts (250, 185)

for time

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

No Quit

Mike Doesn't Quit!  We should all keep that "No Quit" attitude both in CrossFit and in Life.  
Do you have it?


10 Squat Clean & Jerk (m 155, f 105)
Run 400m

3 rounds for time

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Do you push till you are empty? It is always amazing to see how athletes can find that little extra in competition. They go beyond their limits. They go past empty. We saw that quite a bit this weekend at the qualifiers. When you think you are empty, you might be surprised to find more in that tank. You are a miracle. Prove it.

Box Jumps (24 in)
Kettlebell Swings (m 1.5 pood, f 1pood)
SDHP (m 95, f 65)

For Time

Monday, May 4, 2009

Qualifier down, on to the Games!

Our very own Nikki Hall takes 5th. Now she can start getting ready for The 2009 CrossFit Games in Aromas, California! Congrats to all the competitors.

Check out her interview here
[wmv] [mov]

Other interviews and info on the qualifiers can be
found here Crossfit games

Top 5 Female athletes
Carey Kepler (CrossFit Central), Pollyanna Bobseine, Crystal McReynolds(CrossFit Central), Lindsey Smith(trains in her garage), and Nikki Hall(Tillman Training).

Top 5 Male athletes
Dutch Lowy, Breck Berry(CrossFit Jenks), Lance Cantu(CrossFit Central) , Vic Zachary(Bayou City CrossFit), and Jason Boag(CrossFit OKC).

Great Job Gang!

Everyone donated a little skin.

Thanks to those who competed and those who showed up to cheer 'em on.

  • 95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
  • 30 Pull-ups
  • Run 800 meters
3 rounds for time

Friday, May 1, 2009

southwest regional qualifier

Wish the gang luck!   

Michael F, Nikki, Scott, Kelli M, Kris W, and Chad are all heading to Fort Worth to compete in the Southwest Regional Qualifier games.   If you want to follow their progress, follow us on twitter or facebook.   Search CrossFit Cedar Park.   
You can also check out the games at Crossfit Games 

Since all our coaches will be there, no classes will be held tonight or tomorrow.  See you on Monday.


300 Single unders
200 Squats
100 lunges 
50 Sit ups
25 V-twist

for time 

2519 S. Lakeline Blvd. Suite 100. Cedar Park, Tx 78613