
Monday, February 28, 2011

Every Man's Fantasy

Big congratulations to Carson, Michael and Wladi. They competed this weekend in Southwest Fitness Challenge in El Paso this weekend. After 5 wods over two days, Carson placed 5th, Michael placed 15th and Wladi placed 22nd. Good job guys!

Reminder that the I Do the Impossible Challenge comes to an end this Saturday, March 5th with our final workout. If you are part of the challenge, please get your measurements and pictures done with the original coach who took your measurements this week. There will be no measurements and pictures taken on Saturday before the workout.

SO, NO OPEN GYM on March 5th - If you can volunteer or judge, please contact Wladi.




Double unders and situps

12 minute cap


30 Clean & Jerks (#95/#135)

For Time

Top Times

Trevor - 5:05 - Annie, 2:29- Grace

Carson - 4:28 -Annie, 2:13- Grace

Friday, February 25, 2011


Wladi, Carson, Dave N, Mike F.
Your CFCP representatives in El Paso at the
(Except Dave, but his birthday was yesterday so Happy Bday Dave)

Coach Nikki Isbell has 5 spaces open to anyone looking for those Forgotten Skills. This is a 3 session, all level Elements class open to current members at a discounted price of $75. Space is limited to keep the focus on you!

You must be able to attend all 3 days

March 14, 15 and 16 at 5:15pm

609 W. Whitestone Blvd

What you'll review in each session:

Session 1

Squats: air squat, back squat, front squat, overhead squat


Pull-up and Kipping pull-up

Rowing with the Concept II rower

Short CrossFit workout

Session 2


Sumdo deadlift high pull

Presses: shoulder press, push press, push jerk

Short CrossFit workout

Session 3

Medicine ball clean

Barbell clean

Ring row

Ring dip

Burgener warm-up


Short CrossFit workout



For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.
Enlarge image
With heavy hearts we dedicate this workout to Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th. To Daniel's family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Get Some

Burgener Warm Up




Snatch (135,95)
Ring Dips

Yesterday's best times

Rochelle  11:47 

Bill  17:26

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wall Climbs

Cheryl and Heather throw down at Operation Get Some

Check this video of Speal doing the wall climb wod. 

Skill wall climbs 15 min


400 m run
50 double unders
25 sumo dead lift high pull (95,65)

3 rounds for time

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time Trial

on the rower 
500m time trial
5 rounds 

Rest as needed between rounds.

Chad 1:21

Best scores from yesterday

Rochelle  9 rounds + 3 reps.  

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Now de leg ahh"

A pic from CrossFit Champions this weekend. 


15 back squats (95, 65)
8 step ups each leg (24, 20)
10 burpees

AMRAP in 20 Minutes

Friday, February 18, 2011

Time Blocks

Reminders - Open Gym on Saturday at 9:30am with Coach Kelli Middleton

Also - local private school, Summit Christian Academy will be hosting a 5K Fun Run and Kids 1K Event on April 16th. SCA is an independent, non-denominational school system that exists as a partnership between its students, parents and faculty. Summit's vision is to equip its students to impact the world through the power of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this, Summit endeavors to enrich the mind of each student through rigorous academics and biblical thinking, to challenge each student to display character that honors Christ and others, and to train students to influence the world around them through Christian service.
Here is the link to get early registration.

3 minutes Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes
3 minutes Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
3 minutes dumbbell thrusters
Rest 2 minutes
3 minutes 100m sprints

Score is reps and sprints

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grabbing Hands Grab All They Can

Open Gym This Saturday at 9:30 am at the 609 box.  Bring a friend it is gonna be a spectacular wod!

Check out Jeff Martone doing some H2H with the kettlebell


(1.5, 1pood)

25 steps each arm Kb lunge 
25 goblet squat
5 hspu

5  Rounds. For time

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


7 Deadlifts (275,185)
800 meter run

4 rounds for time 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Birthday Boy.

Happy Birthday Colton!  Colt turns 8 today.  He is awesome.  



Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. 

Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

Post loads to comments.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What a weekend!

Congratulations to Deric Maruquin - came in 3rd place at this weekend's Fittest Games Challenge at CrossFit Central!

Congratulations to Roberto Ayala! This was Robert's first competition and he came in 3rd place in the Intermediate Mens 40+ category!!


This weekend was our one day Challenge Operation Get Some! We had several people in all categories come and get some! These people competed in 4 wods over a 3 hour period! Congrats to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone who volunteered!

Drum Roll... the winners

Standard Men -
HB Allen 1st place
Jon Rush and Mark Geras tied for 2nd place

Standard Women -
Rochelle Vance - 1st place
Cheryl Thomas - 2nd place

Intermediate Men - Joe Llamas - 1st place

Intermediate Women -
Shelley Kelso - 1st place
Kim Vaughn - 2nd place

SKILL - Pistol and rolling pistol

10 minute AMRAP
10 rolling pistols
10 box jumps
10 ring dips

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh, Nicole

Congratulations to Jennifer! Jennifer set her sights on completing the 3m Half Marathon in under 2 hours. Her time? 1:57:52

OPERATION GET SOME! - 1 day challenge. Last day to sign up is today!!!

NO OPEN GYM tomorrow. Come volunteer if you aren't competing.



400m Run
Max rep Pull-ups

Score - # of pullups per round and # of rounds

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Reminder that Operation Get Some is this Saturday. We changed the time to 8am so that we could be finished by noon. This one day challenge has levels for every ability - especially you newbies! Come get involved and get your workout in!




1 Set of 12 deadlift at 50% of your 1 Rep Max

Rowing Time Trial

We know it's cold out, but don't let that stop ya!  Get your CrossFit on.

There are a few spots left.  Come in sign up and get some!  

row 800 meter time trial.

This is an all out max  effort!

100 toe 2 bar

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Along with many others, Nikki and Blakely are new to the family here at CFCP.  Nikki started 5 weeks after having a baby!  They love this stuff and are slowly drinking the same cool-aid you drank.  What would you do differently,  if you were just starting this journey into CrossFit?  Don't forget to Cheer these newbies on! Encourage them to sign up for Operation Get Some!

Our very own Robert and Deric are competing this Sunday February 13th in The Fittest Games Challenge.  Robert is taking on some stiff competition in the intermediate category.   Deric is battling some elite level competitors from our region and a couple of ringers from California too.  Check it out here.  The fittest games challenge.

Top Scores from Monday (with strict press)

Mike F  10 rounds + 2
Jon 10 rounds
Robert 10 rounds


50 wallball (20lbs)
50 sit ups
50 doubles

3 rounds for time

Monday, February 7, 2011

Congrats Wladi and Sam!

Congratulations to Wladi and Sam for getting their
CrossFit Level 1 Certifications this weekend!


Operations Get Some! Still has some open slots. You need to register BEFORE Saturday in order to participate! There are all levels in this competition and it is about YOU doing YOUR best at your own level!!

Throw-in is only $20! Contact Wladi or Carson or email robin@crossfitcp.com ASAP! Or fill out a registration form.

5 Press #95m/#65w
10 Pushups on your bar
15 Back Squat (same bar)

AMRAP in 20

Friday, February 4, 2011

Classes are cancelled

We are officially canceling classes for the remainder of the day. Although our morning classes showed up in force for burpees in the snow.

Open Gym is still on at this time, but check facebook (CrossFit Cedar Park) or blog before heading out.


Strict ring pull ups groups of 3 sets to failure

50 Double unders
10 burpees
40 Double unders
10 burpees
30 Double unders
10 burpees
20 Double unders
10 burpees
10 Double unders
10 burpees

For Time

Wladi: 4:39
Carson: 4:40
Deric: 3:49

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yeah, its cold - so? Bundle up!

Don't forget Open Gym is this Saturday at 9:30 with Coach Michael Fiorillo!

Have you signed up for our 1 day challenge - Operation GET SOME!
Saturday, February 12th

3 categories (so no excuses) Beginners, Modified and Standard Levels. Beginners are very encouraged to get involved and participate! We have lots of new people - come get involved with the rest of our CrossFit Cedar Park Community!
Contact Robin@Crossfitcp.com to register or pick up a registration form and get it turned in. Space is limited.

Check out this little quote from Jack Lalanne - "If a man made it, I don't eat it"

"The Carsonian"
200 meter sprint
20 KB Swings (1pood women, 1.5 men)
7 Rounds

Michael Fiorillo - 13:36

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Power Clean

for time 

(135, 95)

15 Power clean
30 Ring dips

12 power cleans
24. Ring dips

9. Power cleans
18 ring dips

6. Power cleans
12 ring dips

3 power cleans
6 ring dips

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tabata Tabata


Open Gym Saturday at 9:30am with Coach Michael Fiorillo

OPERATION "GET SOME" Registration is in full swing. This is a one day competition with 3 categories. Standard, Modified and Beginner. There will be cash prizes for each man and woman in each category. This is the perfect opportunity for our new people to jump in and have fun with our CrossFit Cedar Park Community! Registration forms are at box locations. The throw-in is only $20.


SKILL- rowing

Tabata Row
40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest

Keep your calories within 3 calories penalty 1 strict pull-up for each calorie short of first row.

25 Jack knife
25 Russian Twists (each side)
25 Reserve Situps
25 Jack knife

for time

2519 S. Lakeline Blvd. Suite 100. Cedar Park, Tx 78613