
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Get Ya Box Jump On.

Saturday Open Gym at 9:30 am at the 609 box. Bring a friend. It's gonna be a good one.

Check out this cool blog from CrossFit Fire.

All the stuff you don’t like

November 2nd, 2010, by Jennie

"I don't like rowing."
"I hate to run."
"Burpees are the worst!"
"I would sooner die than have to do wall ball shots."
"Man, deadlifts suck."
"That was the WORST workout ever!"

Know what? Big deal. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but.....SO WHAT? Take all the things you don't like, and add them up. Now take all the things you DO like and add that up. Are they even? Or perhaps a little heavy on the "dislike" side?

That's what I thought.

CrossFit is about making you do the things you would otherwise choose not to do. It's about pushing yourself to get uncomfortable, and keep going. CrossFit is about constantly varied, and highly functional movements, and that makes it hard. Hard is good, because it also makes it effective.

(Review: Hard, Good, Effective.)

Know what CrossFit isn't? continue reading


Push Press



5 Rounds

10Box Jump

20 Push Ups

30 KB Swing (1.5, 1 pood)

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